More Andy Stanley
I found a quote the summarizes his directions on communicating the vision,
First, state the problem.
Second, present the solution.
Third, give the reason something must be done.
Lastly, give the reason something must be done now.

I also found that Northpoint has a little more than a year of his sermons available in their audio archive. Its pretty awesome, I've already listened to two entries in his series on 'Fool proofing your life'. I just wish I could figure out how to save the streaming MMA to diskI think they're worth keeping.
I have to say, listing to streaming audio beats being there in some ways. When he mentioned Ephesians 5:15-21 as the focus verse for his series, I was able to look it up (after remembering where Ephesians was), and even check the passage out in a couple different translations. Our pastors always give the congregation a hard time about not bringing our bibles to service, or not looking up passages; but at CCF when they mention a passage ,they either stick the full text right there up on the overhead and read it aloud, or zoom right past onto something else. There's never really any chance to redirect down into one's bible and do some background reading. Since my bible is NIV, which is what the staff use, the words displayed on screen are identical.
Sometimes I kind of wish life had a pause button. Of course if you're going to go that far, might as well add in a rewind and fast forward. Then there'd be some joker skip ahead to see how it ended, like those people that read the last page of the murder mystery first.
Andy Stanley is awesome. I first ran across him at the 2002 YS Youthworkers' Convention, where he gave a keynote. He pointed me to Kouzes & Posner's excellent The Leadership Challenge, and I loved his book Visioneering. If you want, I'll send you his book if you haven't read it yet (email me).
I just across your blog and you mentioned that you had listened to an Andy Stanley message from Ephesians 5:15-21. Do you happen to know which message that was? I'm giving a talk and I'd like to hear his perspective on it. thanks in advance.
This was from the first in a six part series from Northpoint: Foolproof - the Best Question Ever.
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