Beyond our self interests
We need to be doing a lot of things in our lives to be meeting the expectations of God and to be growing in maturity.
Fellowship, devotion, prayer and reading the bible are important. But those are inward looking (either self or community). Two others are: helping the poor, and making disciples of all nations. (And yes, these can be supported scripturally.)
When Greg organized the camp trip lots of others talked about helping, but when the dust settled it was just the two of us. Have I brought anyone to Christ? Well I helped with one, but it took 13 years, so if I don't do something to improve my rate, the harvest is going to be meek indeed.
Every week God gives me some small task that needs doing for his kingdom. I do my best to help gladly, but I often check back with the person who was looking for a host family for visiting missionaries for the weekend or some other such thing, and I ask them, "Did anyone else call you?" I know these requests were seen by hundreds, and in some cases more than a thousand people (christians). Most often the answer I get is, "You were the only one that called."