God Is Talking to You
Maureen Graves, a member of the Satir Family Therapy Network wrote this letter to her granddaughter, explaining that God is with us and speaking to us all the time.
She wrote a very colorful note (since the reader is eight) which was reproduced in her web version. She points out many things worth remembering, such as:
Sometimes He speaks to you through your mindGod talks to me, but he usually has to be rather overt about it. Besides breaking my car, God has another way of getting my attention that's hard to ignore: he ring's me up. I'll just be sitting there minding my own business and my right ear will start ringinga single pitch that builds up for a few seconds and then goes away. I used to try and ignore it, and I don't always get the message, but I've at least learned to stop what I'm doing, look around, and say, "Ok, what!" I don't always figure it out, but I at least try.
God will also talk to you through your body
God will use people and experiences to teach us and help us to grow
God may inspire someone to say or do something that will be just the message or guidance you have been looking for
We each have our own special gift to give, but your unique gift cannot be given by anyone except you
God will get through to us eventually when he has something to say. Its up to us how much trouble we'll have to deal with before we listen.