Authentic Communities
I've been listening to another sermon series from Northpoint (btw, their archive has moved here). This one is on how the Church should be an irresistible place in the community (kind of like Jesus was), and the third week message is on small groups.
Now we joined a small group a little over a year ago. For a bit it was helpful, but then we sort of dropped into a grove and it got stale. Our group just didn't have a point. There was no mission, that if we didn't meet, wouldn't get done. This problem isn't unique to our group either. Evidently, our church has seen repeated dying out of small groups, and has had to "re-introduce" the concept numerous times. Not very encouraging.
With a new couple joining recently, the timing was perfect to introduce the ideas Andy has for home groups. Small groups aren't bible study, and they aren't were you learn a bunch of stuff. Prayer is important (and he has talked before about things Christians should really be praying for), but the real point of the group is to be open and accountable to each other. These are people we can go to for questions, insight into decisions, help and support.
Andy says:
Our relationship with God is personal, but its not supposed to be private. In fact the bible teaches against it.Lets see if we can make our home group an irresistible part of the Christian life.As Hebrew 10:23-24 says: Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.